About Keva

Where Science blends with Art

Keva formerly known as S H Kelkar & Company, a manufacturer of industrial perfumes in British India. Today, we are one of India’s largest fragrance companies. As an Indian MNC with an ever-expanding global presence, we have grown both organically and via acquisitions, emerging as a leading player internationally and in India.

Over the years, we’ve perfected the art of delivering flawless sensorial solutions for every market. Such is their popularity that some of the fragrances we developed decades ago are still market leaders. This reinforces our belief that our commitment to quality and imaginative solutions can bring enduring success.

Our storied past is studded with milestones and many firsts, motivating and inspiring us to create many more sensorial breakthroughs.

About Keva

Core Ideology & Values

We at Keva, partner with our customers to craft innovative and sustainable solutions that evoke sensorial delight. It is this clarity of purpose, our rapid execution along with local insights, which allow us to deliver sensorial breakthroughs that keep our customers ahead in the marketplace.

We reach over 90 countries, and our sensorial offerings span a large variety of flavours, fragrances and aroma ingredients.

The Spirit of

We have carved ourselves a set of principles that allow us to single-mindedly focus on delivering sensorial breakthroughs. We call these the Spirit of Keva. From team structures to investment choices, every element of our company is aligned to it.



We believe in the concept of management trusteeship to enhance long term value for all our stakeholders. We encourage our people to view themselves as custodians of the future and empower them to take business decisions accordingly.



We believe in building a long-term sustainable relationship with all our stakeholders to create enduring value. We encourage our vendors to strengthen their capabilities. We partner with our clients and endeavour to be the catalysts for their growth.



We are passionate about innovation and thrive on creating ground-breaking sensorial solutions, giving us the first mover advantage, and keeping our clients ahead of the curve.



We are conscious that our actions have an impact on local communities, ecologies, and geographies.  We behave in a manner that befits a responsible corporate citizen. Our products are designed to be of the highest quality and we assume active responsibility in ensuring all safety and regulatory standards.



It forms the core of our ethos and work behaviour. We always conduct our business in a fair and ethical manner.



We work in an inclusive and collaborative manner across diverse functions and geographies. Our work processes have been designed to maximise synergies, and we create continuous learning opportunities for our teams.